You can put custom buttons in your posts, pages, and widgets by using the button shortcode. Button shortcodes take 4 attributes: url, color, size, and block. All attributes are optional. The default button looks like this [button]Default Button[/button] and is rendered using the shortcode [[button]Default Button[/button]]. The text inside the [[button][/button]] tags can be anything you want. Buttons utilize CSS3 and will look great in modern browsers. In older browsers the buttons won’t look as good, but they will still work the same.Valid properties/values for button attributes
size - mini, small, large (mini is the default) url - Any valid url. You must include the "http://" prefix (e.g. http://agentevolution.com) color - primary (blue), alt (tan), none (default grey color) block - 1 (button will be block level)
Button Shortcode in Action
[button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="mini"]Mini[/button] [button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="small"]Small[/button] [button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="large"]Large[/button]
[[button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="mini"]Mini[/button]] [[button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="small"]Small[/button]] [[button url="http://agentevolution.com" size="large"]Large[/button]]
Block Level Buttons
By default buttons are displayed [button]inline[/button]. Giving a button an attribute of block=”1″ will make it break onto a new line and expand to the width of its container. [button block="1"]Block Button[/button] Any text after the button will show on a new line like this.
[button block="1" size="large" color="alt"]Block Button[/button]
[[button block="1" size="large" color="alt"]Block Button[/button]]