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MK Luxury Homes & Condos Margie Kaplan at (713) 504-5425. 1700 Post Oak Boulevard, 2 Blvd. Place Suite 600 Houston, TX 77056
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]]>Uptown Park To Build Crimson High Rise Tower
Montebello High Rise[/caption]
Uptown Park in Houston will be going through some changes soon. One of which is adding more residential units and a high rise. Uptown Park was originally developed by Mr. Giorgio Borlenghi back in 1999 and renovated in 2005. Uptown Park is part of the 34 acre Interfin development at the corner of Post Oak Boulevard and Loop 610 in Houston. There are 30 wonderful and high-end shops, spas and services. It’s a great place to shop, have a bite, enjoy coffee and stroll the park.
Uptown Park is surrounded by very affluent neighborhoods and already has two residential high-rise towers. Both the Montebello and the Villa d’ Este have privately owned units.
Uptown Park will add hotel space and retail to it’s already existing 169,000 square feet of retail space.
The new high-rise, Crimson at Uptown Park, will be developed on the northwest corner of the property where the stores Baker, Pelucha Decor and Bella Rinova are now. The Uptown Park High-Rise project will include a 360,000-square-foot luxury multifamily tower with it’s completion slated for early 2017.
Check back here for new details as they develop! See Penthouse High Rises for Lease in Houston.]]>
The Stigma attached to Renting is Now Gone
Retail and rentals are all wrapped around each other. The focus now is on choice. Baby Boomers and Millenials want the ability to choose. They want to be able to wake up and change their minds and move when they want. Renting allows you to pack up and move easily. If you are ready to check out the luxury rental market in Houston contact Margie Kaplan at (713) 504-5425 or email her at Margie@HoustonLuxuryApartments.com.]]>
Fire at Montrose and West Dallas – Axis Luxury Apartments Burned
Axis Luxury Apartments developed by JLB Partners.
[caption id="attachment_1941" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Apartment Complex burned to the ground[/caption]
The Houston Fire Department waged war on a massive, five-alarm fire at an under construction apartment complex on West Dallas between Montrose and Waugh. A news story broke last night about the controversy and then today the huge fire, hmm….
by Drew Karedes / KHOU 11 News
Posted on March 24, 2014 at 10:21 PM
Updated today at 1:47 PM
There has been a lot of controversy over the location of this brand new complex. Many area residents were not happy because it was being built right next to century-old headstones. See the story by KHOU 11 news below.
HOUSTON — One of the newest apartment complexes to hit the scene in the Montrose area is causing some controversy because of its location.
The complex, located at West Dallas and Montrose, is being built just feet away from century-old headstones.
Magnolia Cemetery has been there since 1884.
It’s home to some recognizable names in Houston history, including Bammel, Halliburton, Wortham and Telge.
Residents who move into the five story complex next door will now get a view of those headstones and the others on the property.
“This is not right,” said concerned citizen Trisha Keel. “If I have an open grave here and I’m standing here crying my eyes out because I’m putting someone in the ground, and I look up to see someone eating a bowl of cereal wearing their skivvies, it won’t be good.”
Trisha Keel doesn’t have a family member buried at Magnolia. However, she feels so strongly that she wrote a letter to the mayor’s office.
“I could sit on their patio and prop my feet on top of the gravestone. It’s too close,” said Keel.
Keel feels it is disrespectful to the people coming to visit loved ones who have passed. She is also disturbed to think about residents living so close to the dead.
“Those people who move along these edges will experience the decaying, dying energy,” said Keel. “This is not a place for new life.”
Keel, a native Houstonian, acknowledges Houston’s steady growth but believes this particular construction is setting a dangerous precedent.
“This isn’t going to be stopped, but there should never be another one ever. That’s why I’m speaking up,” added Keel.
Glen Telge, president of Magnolia Cemetery, says he wasn’t thrilled about the new complex at first.
“I feel like Magnolia Cemetery is a gem in the city of Houston. It’s like a sacred spot,” said Glen Telge.
He has since warmed up to the new neighbor and is trying to keep an open mind.
“It comes down to what can you really do about development. There’s some things we have control over and other things we don’t,” said Telge.
JLB partners, which is the developer and builder of the complex, purchased the property from AIG a year and a half ago.
A JLB spokesman says the corporation met with the cemetery association and has spent a significant amount of resources making sure the process has been respectful.
He also pointed out that a wall will eventually be completed around the backside of the complex to separate it from the cemetery.]]>
New Apartment Construction
SkyHouse Houston Downtown 2/15/2014[/caption]
So much is going up in Houston these days! Every corner I take I see a new luxury apartment building going up. Lots of high-rises. Makes you wonder if perhaps if we are over building. At the moment though Houston is riding the new construction wave and people continue to relocate. In addition, we have people downsizing from their luxury homes to a more care-free lifestyle where they can just lock and go. Some people are in transition and just need a place for a year or less.
I get many calls from international clients needing a temporary apartment because they have a loved one coming to M.D. Anderson for cancer treatment. Some call because they are visiting other major hospitals in the Medical Center for treatment. We have the famous energy corridor and now The Woodlands area is exploding with Exxon Oil employees coming to town, I hear it’s about 10,000. Where will everyone choose to live?
I’m very happy to be able to help people that need a place to stay in Houston and they rely on my expertise to find them the best place. What satisfaction I get by helping clients make the best choice for their new temporary living spaces. Some people choose to make renting a way of life and they will never buy. Hey that’s okay too!
If you know someone moving to the Houston area and they don’t know where to start, please refer them to me. I would love to help them find the best place to live in Houston and the surrounding areas! Call Margie at (713) 504-5425.]]>