SkyHouse Houston Downtown 2/15/2014[/caption] So much is going up in Houston these days! Every corner I take I see a new luxury apartment building going up. Lots of high-rises. Makes you wonder if perhaps if we are over building. At the moment though Houston is riding the new construction wave and people continue to relocate. In addition, we have people downsizing from their luxury homes to a more care-free lifestyle where they can just lock and go. Some people are in transition and just need a place for a year or less. I get many calls from international clients needing a temporary apartment because they have a loved one coming to M.D. Anderson for cancer treatment. Some call because they are visiting other major hospitals in the Medical Center for treatment. We have the famous energy corridor and now The Woodlands area is exploding with Exxon Oil employees coming to town, I hear it’s about 10,000. Where will everyone choose to live? I’m very happy to be able to help people that need a place to stay in Houston and they rely on my expertise to find them the best place. What satisfaction I get by helping clients make the best choice for their new temporary living spaces. Some people choose to make renting a way of life and they will never buy. Hey that’s okay too! If you know someone moving to the Houston area and they don’t know where to start, please refer them to me. I would love to help them find the best place to live in Houston and the surrounding areas! Call Margie at (713) 504-5425.]]>